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Show up, Be yourself, and Share Jesus | by Jessica Leep Fick

Confident. That’s not a word most of us would use when it comes to sharing about our faith.  Awkward, uncomfortable, and nervous typically would be words we use. But what if God has given you everything you need to talk about your friendship with Jesus in a way that didn’t make you sound like a robotic salesperson? What if talking about Jesus could be a source of joy and connection with others?

In my work with women from different walks of life I’ve seen the amazing strengths God has given us to draw others towards Jesus.  And I’ve noticed that many “evangelism” models feel intimidating or don’t fit naturally with the way most women have been created to be.  In recent years I’ve been coaching women across the world how to talk about Jesus in natural, everyday conversation.  Through Stonecroft, the organization I work for, we dreamed up a resource called The Story of Now.  Reflecting on where Jesus has been at work in your life through struggles, connecting with another woman through life’s challenges, and inviting her to seek Jesus in a new way, women have realized that Jesus IS present in their lives! And it’s given them the confidence to talk about it.

Scripture says “his power is made perfect in our weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9) and yet many of us feel like we have to live Instagram or Pinterest-worthy lives.  It is incredibly powerful when we are real with each other, when we let our guard down and invite someone into the ways we are struggling.  Because you know what? Chances are that woman you’ve been talking with is struggling too.

Recently I offered to pray for my neighbor who had lost a friend suddenly in a car crash.  Though I don’t know his faith background, he knows that we attend church and are trying to live out our faith in practical ways.  When he shared that his friend had died, I mentioned that we’d be praying for him and offered to make space to let his friends park in our driveway when they came over after the funeral. Everyone is going through some sort of struggle. Pausing to acknowledge this and offer hope can be a real way that others experience Jesus.

Author Brene Brown says “vulnerability begets vulnerability, courage is contagious.”  This applies to so many areas of life, including sharing Jesus with others. One of the things I love about The Open Door Sisterhood is that it’s a place for us to rally together and be strengthened by the Holy Spirit.  We badly need the power to love like Jesus in a broken and hurting world. God has created us to speak with compassion and to demonstrate that the gospel really is good news.

It can be as simple as offering to pray for someone who is struggling. Regardless of their faith background, it’s meaningful to others to know that you’re willing to put your faith into action on their behalf.  If they’re not comfortable with that, or with you taking a risk to pray for them right there, you can still pray. Because no one can stop the Holy Spirit moving through prayer!  God can use you to speak with boldness and love. Take a risk. Show up. Share your struggles, listen to others, and invite them to come and see who Jesus is in your real life.

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Jessica Leep Fick lives in Kansas City with her husband Dave and two sons, Reuben and Oswald. She is the author of Beautiful Feet: Unleashing Women to Everyday Witness (InterVarsity Press) and recently released a podcast, Ears to Speak about developing spiritual curiosity through listening to help Christians learn to listen well and demonstrate love as they live out Jesus’ teachings. She works as a writer and resource director for Stonecroft, a ministry seeking to reach every woman with the gospel where she is + as she is.

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