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Midlife Is No Joke: Parenting with Evan and Elisa Morgan

Perhaps the number one stressor listeners have expressed about the season of midlife is parenting teens and young adults. How do we maneuver these new waters when the consequences to kids’ decisions seem so serious? How do we know when to step in and when to back off? And even deeper, how do we deal with our own self image when our kids make decisions we wouldn’t make for them?

We are bringing you the best in Evan and Elisa Morgan. With credentials from years in ministry, decades in marriage and parenting, and their share of stressful parenting decisions, they share their wisdom in what it means to parent in midlife. We talk about the differences between parenting teens and young adults, how to move away from parenting promises and center in on parenting principles, and what to do when you are faced with two bad options as a parent.

With honesty like you’ve never quite heard before, the Morgans speak from experience in walking with God through painful parenting years. If you think a Christian podcast episode on parenting couldn’t possibly understand YOUR depth of pain, you might be surprised by what you hear. This isn’t an episode about how to get it all right in parenting. Quite the opposite. This is about how to welcome God into our process as we grow in this phase of life.

Connect with Evan and Elisa

On Elisa’s Instagram or Facebook page

Listen to this episode

On iTunes or watch it here

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