You're a world changer for good. We’re here to cheer you on, to share your tears when the road is hard, and throw a party when celebration is in order. Committed to equipping you for the journey with both inspiration and practical help, we come alongside you as you steward your unique story to bring hope and light to the world.
We value cheerleading over competition, mission and purpose over fear, and walking through open doors in faith. If you want to live purposefully, if you want to make your life count on this earth, you’ve come to the right place.
The Our Time To Rise Podcast has over 1.5 million downloads and listeners from all over the world. We believe that we are meant to walk through life's changes and opportunities together and one of the ways we do that best is through the podcast. Join us!
We are purpose driven cheerleaders,
and faith-seekers
who strive to be world changers for good right where we are.
We've been waiting for you!