Faith • Health • Marriage  • Parenting • Personal Growth •  Sisterhood


Hey Sister! A Financial Plan for Smart Investing & Vacations with Emily G. Stroud


We are committed to helping you with practical matters in your life here at The Sisterhood, so we like to offer suggestions and help on financial health, knowing that this is an important need.  As summer approaches, many of us dream of vacations and memorable experiences with our friends, family, and children, but the question must be answered:  how do we prepare for them financially?  My guest, Emily G. Stroud, helps us answer this question.  Offering helpful tips and ideas, Emily walks us through what it looks like in the budget to put a priority on special trips and experiences.

Along with vacation advice, Emily also offers tips on smart investing as we plan and prepare for the future.  While some of these aren’t new concepts, they bear repeating, over and over and over again, because we all could use reminders on what is the wise way to handle our money.

Listen in and plan to do those FUN things with your people!

Connect with Emily on her websiteTwitter and Facebook.

Listen to my conversation with Emily on iTunes here.

A few things you heard mentioned on this episode:

Faithful Finance by Emily G. Stroud








Every Dollar App

Park City, Utah

Deer Valley Music Festival


Home Away

10 Things You Need to Know About Home Swapping

Krista’s Kauai post with hotel food tips

7 Wonders Of Our Town Post

“Emily G. Stroud is a Registered Representative at Cambridge Investment Research, Inc. and Owner of Stroud Financial Management, Inc. Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker/Dealer, and Member FINRA/SIPC. Investment Advisor Representative, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Investment Advisor. Cambridge, Stroud Financial Management, Inc.”


Thank you to our friends at Baker Books for sponsoring this episode. We are featuring the newest book from Leeana Tankersley.  Leeana is an author, speaker, and regular MOPS contributor…and she says her life was changed by this quote from St. Benedict, “Always we begin again.” Leeana’s new book Begin Again, is all about unpacking that quote. Leeana says beginning again is like opening your hands when all you want to do is clench your fists. So if you’re feeling frustrated, restless, or just stuck in one place in your life…it’s time to begin again today and receive the rest that God has for you.

To get 50% off Begin Again, go to and enter the code “mopsba.”


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