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Give Them Wings Series: Letting Go in the College Years


Are you about to send your child off to college?  Or are you anticipating that time in the near future?   Author Carol Kuykendall is back for the second episode of this special two-part series where we discuss the joyful and complicated nature of letting go of our children as they move through the teen years and into college.

Starting with high school graduation, we talk about lowering expectations, and how to make your child feel celebrated and loved.  We then move to the much-anticipated college drop off:  how we can set it up for success, how and how not to say goodbye, and what each college student needs from their parent during this time.  Having spoken and written about this topic for decades, Carol offers timeless wisdom and sound perspective.

We know that this can be a vulnerable and difficult season for parents.  The sisterhood is with you!

You can connect with Carol onher website, Facebook and Instagram.

You can listen to the episode on iTunes here.

Things you heard mentioned on the show:

Carol’s updated book: Give Them Wings: Preparing for the Time When Your Teen Leaves Home

Ken Wytsma Create vs. Copy

Canon Beach, Oregon

Free Printables:

10 Things to Say to Your High Schooler This Year

30 Things to Put in a College Care Package

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