Is parenting in this day and age difficult? Well, let’s start with the statistic that, currently, in the U.S. we have the highest numbers of anxiety in kids than any other time in history. Anxiety, along with depression are at a peak point. According to the CDC, the suicide rate is triple what it was in 2000. Substance abuse? Loneliness? All on the rise. It is safe to say that parenting this generation of kids has some unique challenges that make it more important than ever for parents to be learning, growing, and paying attention.
The sisterhood is deeply grateful for the work that David Thomas does at Day Star Counseling in Nashville, Tennessee as the Director of Family Counseling, And today he brings all of that wealth of experience and wisdom to the show for the benefit of all parents who are in the trenches of raising the next generation.
David offers help and practical solutions for parents on how we can help reduce our children’s anxiety, how we can help open lines of communication as a family, and what it means for behavior to “travel down the leash.” He also gives his professional opinion on the two actions that hurt our children most, and the two that most demonstrate love and health.
If you are a parent, this episode is an absolute must.
You can connect with David on his website, Instagram, and Facebook.
Use this link to listen, or head over to iTunes
Family Values Activity:
materials needed: 4 sheets of paper and a pencil or pen.
1st piece of paper – Brainstorm all of the things we do on a given week.
2nd piece of paper – Write what you wish we did more as a family
3rd piece of paper – Write a family mission statement
4th piece of paper – Hold up the lists and look at them. How do they work for or against each other? Write what you want to do differently based on what you wrote on the pieces of paper.
The Whole Brain Child by Dan Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson
The Yes Brain by Dan Siegel & Tina Payne Bryson
Possible structure – 45 min., everyone shares something
Gratitude – share 3 things you are grateful for right now or have been thankful for in the past couple of weeks
Concerns – share something you are concerned or worrying about
Practices – what is something you want to do differently this week
Incorporate fun – build connection and relationships
Connection and enjoyment first, and communication second.
Two biggest mistakes that parents make with discipline: too much talk and too much emotion
Instead – I’m going to take a few minutes to think about this and cool down and we’ll circle back to this.
Two Helpful Things Parents Can Do:
Great question for a child who is not thriving – what would it look like to get unstuck for you? What can we do that we can try or do differently?
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We have lots of aspirations to live a freer and more authentic life. But what does that look like in reality? How can we make big changes when we don’t even know the first step? Michelle DeRusha has written a book called True You: Letting Go of Your False Self to Uncover the Person God Created. In it, she takes a journey with you, discovering and discussing the small adjustments in daily life and simple practices that really can bring about a more authentic, peaceful, and true you. Learn more at
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Thank you for taking the time – we appreciate it so much!
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