At The Open Door Sisterhood we are committed to cheering women on as they walk through the doors God is opening for them. From our blog posts to our podcast interviews, to our annual mastermind retreat, we push all things toward this aim. We are creating a cheerleading culture. Not one of splits and acrobatics, but one of “you can do this, we believe in you.” It is in that spirit that we are hosting our third annual World Changer Quest. We are on the hunt for sisters you know who are acting as world changers right where they are. And we need your help to find them so we can cheer them on. (You can hear some of our past world changers on Episodes 101 and 155 of the podcast or read about others on the blog here and here.)
Is there someone you know who embodies the values of The Open Door Sisterhood? A woman you’ve watched take that next step, do that hard thing in order to be a world changer for good? If so, don’t keep her to yourself, please tell us about her, so we in turn can share her with the sisterhood. It’s a simple nomination process. Click here and it will take you about seven minutes to let us know why you think she is a World Changer. We will select a few of these nominations to interview and feature on our podcast.
We are looking for women who:
Sisters! We are counting on you. You know the world changers right around you. They are often quiet and humble doing the task God has laid out for them. There aren’t parades held in their honor, no one’s rolling out the red carpet on their behalf. Help us in our quest to find them, so we can join in the cheerleading and throw a sisterhood version of a parade. #powertothesisterhood
The Open Door Sisterhood Team
P.S. If you share about the World Changer Quest on social media, you will be entered to win a bundle of books written by some of our podcast guests. Simply follow The Open Door Sisterhood on Instagram and share the image from this post on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #worldchangerquest.