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World Changers 2019

Every fall we go on a quest to find everyday world changers. You nominate them. We choose them. They are incredibly inspiring, and prove that each one of us really can make a difference right where we are.We are featuring three women today.

The first is Rebecca Smith. Rebecca was a mom and Etsy shop owner who had a knack for sewing and an eye for design. When the business outgrew her, she hired a woman to help make bags who lived in her town. Little did she know the large impact that one small decision would make.

MaryLynn Kenary, our second world changer, has been living with cancer for more than two decades, and is currently in stage four. She shares about how she has used her condition to reach out to others and build a deeper faith.

And wrapping up the episode we have Alyssa Haley sharing about her big dream of creating a community center for youth right in the middle of the town where she lives.

Let’s allow these women to inspire us to go futher and deeper.  And may it help propel us out of our comfort zones and into all that God has for us.

To find out more about Rebecca Smith, go to or you can find her on Instagram.

MaryLynn Kenary does not have a website, but here is a picture of MaryLynn with her beautiful family.

To find out more about Alyssa Haley and her project, go to

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