Understanding how we operate and how others operate can move us toward relational health. The Enneagram is a popular tool to understand people’s motivations and behavior patterns. It seems fitting to look at this paradigm as we finish our 2020 Healthy Way series on The Open Door Sisterhood Podcast.
Enneagram expert Marilyn Vancil walks us through our authentic and adapted selves and how we can move from unhealthy patterns to more integrated selves. It is here we will find freedom to live out of who God made us to be. Marilyn shares the “suffering” of each Enneagram type when they live from their adapted selves. She offers a guide to pivot toward health in each pattern.
Here’s to a healthy 2020 sisters! We know that our bodies, souls, and minds can be renewed as we head into the new year. Sometimes it’s a matter of simply taking that next step and doing that hard thing so we can be healthy enough to be world changers for good right where we are.
You can connect with Marilyn at her website.
Listen to the episode on iTunes or here:
Some things you heard mentioned on the show:
Marilyn’s book: Self to Lose – Self to Find: A Biblical Approach to the 9 Enneagram Types
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