Many people are re-considering work. Whether it is to increase income or flexibility, this unique moment in time has been a catalyst for change. Today we are looking at how to choose the most profitable idea and how to set up a plan to move forward.
Business expert Rachel Proctor generously shares her experience, wisdom, and advice on how we can pivot well or create a new business. From confidence, to branding, to the three P’s of business, you will walk away more equipped and empowered to begin for the first time, or re-start.
Working women – we’ve got you! and we’re all in this together.
To find out more about Rachell, go to or on Instagram
Check out Rachel’s book My Best Year Ever!
+What is easy for you but hard for most? or what do people often ask for your advice in?
+In what area of your life have you attained results?
+Learn how to package the knowledge or expertise you already have
+Travel agent vs. a Travel Guide
+Become a tour guide for those you are called to serve in your business
+Look for the system you utilized to achieve what you did
+Show people the pitfalls and how you overcame them
Home Coaching –
+A brand is a mark you are leaving on people
+Take control of how people see you before they meet you
+Present yourself as a solution and a resource
+Deliver a consistent message over time
+Clearly know who you are trying to serve
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