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The Christmas Remake: The Key to Peace This Season

This Christmas can be different.

In fact likely this Christmas WILL BE different. We’ve never done Christmas in a pandemic before and so it is time for a Christmas Remake. There will be some things that will need to be switched up. There may be some grief around that. Or it may just need to be a mindset shift. Perhaps this is an opportunity to pull back in some ways that have been needed for years.

Whatever the changes, we have the ultimate planning guide and tool that will help you get organized and prepare your heart for December. It is The Open Door Sisterhood Christmas Remake!!!!

Your December self will thank you!

You don’t want to be running around two days before Christmas finding something, ANYTHING, to get your brother for Christmas. You don’t want to be cooking, wrapping, shipping, you know doing all the last minute things the weeks leading up to Christmas.

You want to be enjoying the people around you.

Listening to Christmas music.

Enjoying your decorated home.

A little bit of work in November will change your December.

We promise.

What will you get when you join The Christmas Remake? We’re glad you asked.

  • 3 weeks of curriculum that give bite-sized daily assignments to get you organized and inspired for the Christmas season.
  • Daily videos from Krista and Alex delivered to your inbox.
  • A private Facebook group to talk through ideas, challenges, and inspiration around the daily assignments.
  • Printable worksheets to help you with your planning for things like gift giving, meal planning, and budgeting.

All for $35.

Sanity never came at such a
bargain price.


But don’t take our word for it. Here is what sisters who joined us last year had to say:

“The Christmas Remake was a game-changer. Every week was well constructed and meaningful. The online community was interactive and fun. Definitely a must for those looking for inspiration and sanity during the holiday season.”

-Sherri, Colorado

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  1. Kristen R. says:

    Listened to the podcast this AM! So excited to join The Christmas Remake! Thank you ladies!

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