Katie Bulmer has been traveling the country talking to sorority women about identity, strength, sisterhood, and of course relationships! Katie comes to The Open Door Sisterhood with insight on the big questions parents can help their daughters ask as they enter the dating world. Questions like, “What is important to me?” “What am I dating for?” “What am I looking for in a relationship?”
We also cover, how technology impacts dating today, what science can teach young people about “hook up culture” and bonding, how media and pornography influence teenagers’ impressions of sex, and how we as parents can ask questions that help our daughers (and sons) come to answers about what they want for themselves.
Katie’s expertise falls on the girl end of the spectrum, but many of the principles we cover are great for both boys and girls. Have lifelong conversations with your kids about dating and sex, model the healthiest marriage you can to the kids in your home, and pray without ceasing for both your child and the person he or she is dating. We can’t go wrong with these overarching goals leading the way.
On her website, Instagram, and her podcast.
On iTunes or watch it here:
Katie’s book: Sorority Girls Can Change the World: If you’re looking for more than hangovers and heartbreak on greek row, I have good news…
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