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Stretch Marks: How Motherhood Grows Us with Sarah Bragg

Sarah Bragg, host of the Surviving Sarah podcast, says motherhood has grown her up. She has changed through the challenges she’s faced as a mom. And boy isn’t that true of motherhood? We try new things, face new feelings, overcome new challenges and as a result we are stretched in ways that don’t leave us. These stretch marks act as our reminders of growth and that our children are a gift God uses to grow us up as well.

In this episode Sarah brings her candid voice to the conversation as we consider what it means to live an authentic life in front of our children, how to accept our limitations while choosing growth in some areas, and how honesty helps with both of these efforts. We consider the women we ARE vs. the women we wish we were and how we have to get past some of the mothering expectations (read pressure) we put on ourselves.

Motherhood is a gift. In large part because our kids act as a mirror, or as Sarah puts it, a highlighter, to all of who we are. We discover parts of ourselves (from anger to unconditional love) and skillsets that help us understand ourselves better. You will walk away from this interview remembering that God already sees and knows every part of who you are as a woman and a mom. You can let go of some of those self-imposed expectations and celebrate the unique, creative person you ARE as a mom.

Connect with Sarah

You can find Sarah on her website or Instagram or listen to her podcast Surviving Sarah on iTunes

Listen to the episode

You can listen to this episode on iTunes or watch it here:

Heard on the show

Sarah’s new book: A Mother’s Guide to Raising Herself: What Parenting Taught Me About Life, Faith, and Myself

Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departed by Bronnie Ware

The Jerk

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  1. […] listened to a podcast today. It is by The Open Door Sisterhood Ep. 292 How Motherhood Grows Us. They talk about how we think we need to figure out our Purpose. And as a mother, I have done that […]

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