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Seeking Out Goodness Series: with Alexandra Kuykendall

Our very own Alex has a new book releasing in a few weeks and we want to give you the FIRST sneak peek at some of what she covers in the pages. In this episode, Krista interviews Alex about why she wrote the book, why the process of looking for what is good is important to us, and how she structures practical next steps so listeners can begin seeking out what is good.

Whether you are overwhelmed with heartache or the state of the world, or just feel a little bored with the monotony of your daily life, this book is meant to give you tools to have new eyes to see what is already around you. God is still good. He is still here. And so we can trust that his goodness continues all around us, we just need to find it. This book is about the process of seeking out goodness.

Because Alex wanted this book to give the practical how, she uses Philippians 4:8 as her structure. “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (NIV) How do we see what is noble? Or admirable? How do we look for the lovely? Or consider what is true? How do we do this all with humility and kindness? This episode is just a taste of what Alex covers in the book. We hope you listen and let us know how you are looking for the good right now.

Listen to this episode here!

Find Alex’s book

You can pre-order Alex’s new book wherever books are sold. A few of our favorites are Amazon, Baker Book House, and Barnes and Noble.

Connect with Alex on Instagram, Facebook, and learn more about her book here!


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