We start at the top of this episode saying we’ve got the “dream team” on. We’re not joking. Dr. Juli Slattery and our dear friend Francie Winslow are two of our favorite women. They bring wisdom and roots into any conversation having to do with marriage. And since we can’t get enough of them, we’re bringing them back next week for Part 2.
In this first half of our conversation we talk about why marriage matters, the power a wife holds in a marriage, and whose responsibility it is to change when things aren’t going well. This isn’t a conversation that pretends everything is easy or all of our marriages are conflict-free, it IS a conversation however that reminds us that marriage is about a bigger story and putting the effort in to work toward health is worth the work.
If you are struggling to remember when things were good, if you are needing a reminder about the purpose of marriage, if you simply don’t know where to start in choosing hope, this conversation could be for you. Juli and Francie are a trusted pair. They have your best interest in mind and remind us all that God is for us and for marriage.
You can find Juli here and Francie here.
You can listen on iTunes or watch it here:
Julie’s rereleased book Finding the Hero in Your Husband
Intimate Allies by Dan Allender
A Community of Honor in a Culture of Contempt with John Mark Comer
“God doesn’t call you to a fruitful marriage, he calls you to be a faithful woman.” Dr. Juli Slattery
“Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.” -Ephesians 6
“What shall we say about such wonderful things as these? If God is for us, who can ever be against us?” -Romans 8:31
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