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Midlife Is No Joke: Menopause with Dr. Carol Peters-Tanksley

When we asked you, our podcast listeners, what you’d like to hear about when it comes to midlife, one topic stood above the rest: menopause. Our bodies are changing, often in ways we never knew they could or would, and we don’t know what to do. The sisterhood is the perfect place to come for questions you might not want to ask anywhere else. We bring you trusted experts and this conversation is no different.

For this widely requested topic, we couldn’t ask just anyone to join us, we needed to find the best. And we did in OB-Gyn Dr. Carol Peters-Tanksley. She has lived through menopause herself and has guided women over decades through “the change.” She covers everything from weight gain to mood swings, hot flashes to hormone surges. You will not only learn a ton (we did!) you will be encouraged that what you are going through is a normal part of human development.

If you are experiencing the classic signs of menopause, are wondering what’s ahead, or simply want to know what the fuss about estrogen supplements is, this episode is worth your time. We can’t change aging, but we can have a better sense of what’s actually happening in our bodies. Dr. Carol is a knowledgeable guide who anticipates our questions before we even ask them. Nothing says sisterhood like this.

Connect with Carol

Through her website

Listen to this episode

On iTunes or watch it here:

A few things mentioned:



The Menopause Manifesto by Jennifer Gunter

Gennev online clinic

The SWAN Study

Dr. Carol Ministries

Dr. Carol’s course Navigating Midlife

Dr. Carol’s book Dr. Carol’s Guide to Women’s Health

Dr. Carol’s e-book Dr. Carol’s Guide to Sex and Menopause

Dr. Carol’s Hormone download

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