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Knowing What to Say in (Slightly) Awkward Conversations

You know the moment. You’ve said “Hello”, but don’t know what to say next? Yeah, we know that moment too. Which is why we are doing an episode on what to say when you’ve forgotten someone’s name and you really feel like you should know it. Or you run into somebody at the grocery store and don’t want to get into the hard details of how life has actually been going.

We are all human. We don’t always have the perfect response or eloquent conversation starter. This episode won’t change that, but it might get you thinking about how to handle the most common moments in your own life when you feel a bit tongue-tied. We are here to think ahead together so that we can be intentional in those slightly awkward moments with people we know and those we don’t.

How do we operate in the world when we want to be kind, honest, and also curious…and are just at a loss for words? This episode is meant to give some practical suggestions from our podcast hosts Krista and Alex AND is meant to get a conversation started. Comment below on what you say, when you have forgotten somebody’s name.

Listen to this episode

On iTunes or Watch it here:

A few things mentioned in this episode:

Knowing What to Say: Finding the words to fit any situation by American Girl

Harvard’s blog about The FORD Method

The Art of Neighboring by Jay Pathak and Dave Runyon

Sharon McMahon aka @sharonsaysso on Instagram

The Gottman Institute

Some questions for reflection

-How do you want people to feel as you are having a conversation?

-Where do you tend to get stuck in small talk?

-How can you be prepared before you go into a situation so that you can avoid some conflict?

-What are some scripts you can have ready?

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