We are in a back to school series for moms in midlife. Gone are the days of crayons and kid-sized scissors, and on are the days of cheering for our high schoolers and their friends with creativity and intentionality. There is no better mom to lead us in this conversation than Krisi Monsiviaz. Her creative flare combined with her organized execution gives her ideas that can be scaled up to serve an entire team, plus families, and friends.
Perhaps you are planning to be Team Mom and carry an official role in organized support. Or maybe you have a few free hours in your schedule and want to use them with purpose to support your high school student and his teammates or cast mates. Maybe your daughter wants to host a dinner at your house or make gift bags for her squad. The principles laid out in this conversation can be applied and tweaked to meet the needs of the kids right around you.
We know the high school years are busy. Let’s not let the busy of practices, homework, and jobs get in the way of intentional gathering, gifts, and grub. Teenagers like all three of those.
On iTunes or watch it here:
Krisi Monsiviaz- Website and Instagram
-Team spirit bags
-Team Breakfast
-Post game pizza with the team
-Create Lanyards
-Bring speakers to talk to the teams
-Parents pray for the team young adults
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