The mother-daughter relationship can be one of the richest and most rewarding bonds we get to experience here on earth. It can also be one of the most complicated, especially in the teen and young adult years.
Today we are thrilled to have Sandra Stanley and Allie Stanley Cooney, authors of Meet Me in the Middle, discussing the importance of foundations in the mother-daughter relationship. They emphasize the need to root our identity in faith and how it affects every aspect of life.
We also discuss the significance of pursuing and valuing the relationship a mother has with her daughter, even during times of tension and conflict, and what it looks like to become students of our daughters. We also cover forgiveness, and the importance of allowing time for healing, not dictating when forgiveness should occur.
This episode is unique because we get to hear from a mother’s AND a daughter’s perspective. If you are looking to improve your relationship with your daughter, this episode is for you!
On iTunes or watch it here:
Sandra Stanley’s- Website and Instagram
Allie Stanley’s – Instagram
Sandra & Allie’s book- Meet Me in the Middle
3 Superpowers
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