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Make Room for Joy: Week #3 of Advent with Paul Robie

As we consider joy during Advent we ask why don’t we experience it more here on earth. Our guest this week, Paul Robie, says Christians should be the most joyful people on the planet. We have the Good News to direct our steps and our spirits.

This wrestling with joy is likely why joy is an Advent theme since the beginning of Advent themes. We can collectively consider what it means to hold joy in our lives. We can also encourage each other in the practical ways we can cultivate it. Paul is a lifelong pastor, current church consultant, and mentor to seminary students. Practices of faith and how they form us are what he talks about all day long and we get the benefit of his wisdom in this series.

Whether you are wondering why others aren’t more joyful, or wanting to experience joy this Advent and in the new year, this episode is for you.


On iTunes or watch it here:


One Thousand Gifts– Ann Voskamp

Happiness– Randy Alcorn

Happiness Is a Serious Problem– Dennis Prager

The Road Less Traveled– Scott Peck

Psalms 1

John 15


  1. How have you separated happiness and holiness?
  2. Do you agree that Christians should be the happiest people in the world?
  3. Who or what am I allowing to steal my joy?
  4. What expectations can you let go of in order to make room to be surprised by joy?


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