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A Sister’s Reflections On Being Together


These past few weeks, I’ve found myself reflecting on the memories made on Priest Lake. The experience has seeped deep into my heart, creating energy, hope and a desire to pour out. Water has always been a place where I feel peace and contentment. It is in this place my parched soul is able to soak in and be restored.

Krista and Alex opened doors of love, connection and acceptance providing fertile ground and for deep relationships to form in our group. They pampered and showered us with surprises, gifts and notes of encouragement making us feel loved and accepted. Giving us space with their hospitality and love to rest and be filled. Then skillfully moving each of us forward in the vocational life the Lord has called us to.


The fertile ground to grow relationships was well watered in our weekend. Cultivating more than just surface relationships like “girls’ night out” friends who just have fun together. It feels as though we are traveling life together or are being planted together as companion plants in a garden. Creating perfect soil to bond in friendship so we can support each other in the coming weeks and years, despite the miles between us.

I love the way each of us has been so uniquely called to have influence for His Kingdom, yet with the same purpose.—Annie, using art, Sarah through hospitality as well as our very own Speakers, Bloggers, Writers and Mentors. When I think of our group, the words that emerge are deep and rich. Deep because it is apparent you have a faith guiding you forward and pushing you through the deep waters and rich because you are taking your life experience and desires and using them to enrich others’ lives.


Open Door Sisterhoods gives hope and support. I went home energized to pour out. Taking an opportunity to give a gift and a meal to a new mother, I wanted to do more, so I made her two meals. Then I thought, “Who else could use some encouragement?” Immediately, Rachelle came to mind—a Single hard-working Mom, with an entry-level job, providing for three girls who have been through trauma, popped into my mind. As I dropped dinner off she said, “I’ve been sick the last few days and I prayed, ‘Lord, I’d love it if someone would bring me a meal.’”

Because of the encouragement and refreshment I received from you all (yall), I was able to be an answer to someone’s prayer. Thank you. Because we were filled, we can now pour out.


Being together on the lake where love and encouragement was poured out, gave space, reflection time and encouragement to evaluate where we are and where we are headed and provided love to restore our souls filling us so we can pass it on and love others better.

BrendaBrenda Jacobson makes her home outside of Portland, OR where she works as a writer and a photographer. Her adventures have taken her around the world, but she is always welcoming new friends to her own table. A mother and grandmother Brenda is a mentor to many with her wisdom and encouragement. You can connect with her at



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