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Hey Sister! How to Be a Tech-Wise Family

Does it feel like technology is taking over your life?  Do you feel frustrated, sad, and discouraged when every person in your family is glued to a screen rather than interacting with one another?  You’re not alone.  Research shows that we all are struggling with the screens that sits comfortably at our fingertips.

Andy Crouch, executive editor of Christianity Today and author of The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place joins Hey Sister! to discuss how we can utilize the best parts of technology for good, but also reclaim our relationships and balance with our devices.

Making good choices about technology in our families is more than just using internet filters and determining screen-time limits.  It’s about building character, wisdom, and courage rather than accepting technology’s promises of ease and instant gratification.  It’s about developing our heart, mind, soul, and strength when were tempted to settle for entertainment and consumer satisfaction.

You will not want to miss this episode that addresses one of the biggest issues facing our generation.  You will walk away with a better idea of what family is for, what we can do to put technology in check, and how we can cast a larger vision for what kind of people we want ourselves and our family members to become.

Further connect with Andy Crouch on his website or Twitter feed 

You can listen to my conversation with Andy on iTunes  here.

Some things you heard on the show:

The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place


Sherry Turtle, MIT – TED Talk Connected but Alone?

Ken Wytsma’s book:  Create Vs. Copy

Barna Research


A special thanks to the partner of today’s show:

New Shop Design offers branding services, web design and a variety of graphic design needs at an affordable price. The official designer of The Open Door Sisterhood, New Shop Design works with us on a variety of websites, podcast design needs, and graphic design. We are grateful to partner with New Shop Design for this episode. Head over to their site and let them know the sisterhood sent you.



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