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Hey Sister! Fathers – How to Be The Real Hero Your Child Needs

Whether you had an amazing father growing up, or one that caused deep wounds and pain, every one us can speak to the power of a father.  The relationship we have with our father affects us in profound ways.

In this special Father’s Day episode, Dr. Meg Meeker, author, renowned speaker, and pediatrician,  joins me in talking about how every father has within him the ability to be the hero his children need.  We also talk about how women and specifically, moms, play an important role in making this successful.  Whether you are married, divorced, or widowed, this is an episode you don’t want to miss.  Our children desperately need their fathers and this vital relationship will determine the stability they feel in the world and determine the future decisions they make.

As the author of Hero: Being the Strong Father Your Children Need, Dr. Meeker takes us by the hand and mentors a nation on how fathers can put on not only the name father, but hero.

Further connect with Dr. Meeker on her website or on Facebook 

You can listen to our conversation on iTunes  here.

Here are some things you heard on the show:

Hero:  Being the Strong Father Your Children Need

Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs


We are happy to partner with Facet Consulting Group to bring you today’s episode. Janis Kugler, founder, offers consulting services and coaching to ministries and leaders around strategy, branding, and team building. With decades of experience working with international and local ministries, Janis understands the needs and pressures of those on the frontlines and in positions of decision making. Because Janis’ work is people-centered, it stretches beyond the organizational structure. Both Alex and I have worked with Janis to fine tune our strengths, to see how they work in our vocation, our families and our church service. As a certified Gallup Strengths Finder coach Janis works with clients around their specific strengths to help them discern God’s call for each phase of life and leadership. To get in touch with Janis find her at



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