Change is an inevitable part of life. Whether we are looking at personal or cultural shifts, dead end roads, a strained relationship, or a season of crisis, we will be forced to deal with transitions. What we get to choose, however, is how we navigate that challenge.
Ken Wytsma, author, speaker, innovator, and social entrepreneur, shares with us how we can explore various aspects of creativity and imagination that lead us toward a healthy, confident, more innovative life mindset — one that helps us harness creativity to take charge of our lives, navigate changing times, and ultimately, flourish and succeed.
You will walk away from this interview with countless nuggets of wisdom that you can apply to your life today, in whatever situation you are facing. Personally, the concepts discussed in this episode have been life-changing for me and came at the perfect moment in time. Our prayer is that this will be an interview that will come to you at just the right time as well.
Further connect with Ken on his website
You can listen to my podcast conversation with Ken on iTunes here.
Here are some things you heard on the show:
Create Vs. Copy by Ken Wytsma
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New Shop Design offers branding services, web design and a variety of graphic design needs at an affordable price. The official designer of The Open Door Sisterhood, New Shop Design works with us on a variety of websites, podcast design needs, and graphic design. We are grateful to partner with New Shop Design for this episode. Head over to their site and let them know the sisterhood sent you.
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[…] Wytsma, (Ep.73) – Innovation is the key to […]