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Hey Sister! What’s Your Number? Understanding the Enneagram 101 with Suzanne Stabile


For the past several years, there’s been a buzz about a self-assessment tool known as the Enneagram.  The purpose of it?  To know thyself.  It is a system of classifying personality types based on a nine-pointed starlike figure inscribed within a circle.  While it may seem the Enneagram suddenly surfaced into the milieu of culture, in fact it has been in existence for centuries.  If you’ve ever heard anyone say, “I’m a 2 with a 3 wing,” or “That’s such a 7 thing to do,” chances are you’ve encountered Enneagram-devotees who have used it to further their self-discovery.

Suzanne Stabile is a highly sought-after Enneagram Master who has taught over 500 workshops worldwide.  She joins The Sisterhood to teach us the basics of this system:  the origin, what exactly it is, how we can use it in our individual lives, how it helps us in relationships, how to understand our motivations, and what it looks like to be healthy and unhealthy in our number.  We also address criticisms of the Enneagram and talk through how it differs from the other self-assessments out there.

If you are looking to understand yourself and others better, if you’ve heard about the Enneagram but can’t get a handle on exactly what it is, or if you simply want to learn more about this helpful tool, you’ve come to the right episode.  Listen in and learn!

Listen to my conversation with Suzanne on iTunes  here.

You can learn more about Suzanne by visiting her website or on Twitter.

A few things you heard mentioned on the show:

The Path Between Us by Suzanne Stabile

This image was taken from the website of


The type descriptions were taken from The Enneagram Institute 

The Road Back to You by Ian Cron & Suzanne Stabile

Richard Rohr

The Strengths Finder

The Myers-Briggs

Suzann’s Podcast The Enneagram Journey


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