Have you ever considered the impact your life could have on others for eternity? Have you ever thought about gathering a group of women, or a group of teenagers together to dive into scripture?
If you’ve ever wondered what kind of difference you could make in the world, this episode is for you.
Today we are bringing you a two part episode highlighting Christian mentoring and discipleship. We begin with Brenda Jacobson, founder of the MomAid online community and author of Something to Stand On discussing mentoring. We end with Kandi Gallaty, author of the book Disciple Me, and co-founder of Replicate Ministries. Kandi offers important insights about discipleship.
Come learn with us!
Part 1: On Mentoring with Brenda Jacobson
Something to Stand On by Brenda Jacobson
Mom Aid – an online mentoring community
One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskcamp
The Secret of Lasting Forgiveness by Bruce Wilkinson
Part 2 with Kandi Gallaty:
Disciple Her by Kandi Gallaty
Foundations: New Testament– a bible reading plan
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What you need to know:
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