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Secrets Of A Centered Soul: The Habits Of Faith with Jen Pollock Michel

Habits. Many have them around morning coffee, exercise, repetitive words, or before bed rituals. But have you ever considered turning your faith into a habit?

As we dive further into our Secrets To A Centered Soul Series, Jen Pollock Michel, an award winning author, helps us see how turning our faith into a habit can transform our days, and eventually, our entire lives. Through the five practices of seeing, living, loving, knowing, and obeying, we learn how to nurture a vibrant life of faith.

About Jen

Jen Pollock Michel is the award-winning author of Teach Us to Want, Keeping Place, and Surprised by Paradox. Her fourth book, A Habit Called Faith, released in February 2021. An American living in Toronto, Jen is a wife and mother of five. You can follow Jen on Twitter and Instagram @jenpmichel and also subscribe to her regular letters at

Some Things You Heard On The Show

A Habit Called Faith by Jen Pollock Michel

The Five Responses To Faith: See, Live, Love, Know, Obey

Atomic Habits

The Power of Habit

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