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Secrets of a Centered Soul: Prayer with Patricia Raybon

As we talk about what it means to have a centered soul, we must talk about how we communicate with God. Prayer is our ongoing conversation with the one who made us and loves us. It’s mysterious and sometimes overwhelming to consider God hears any of what we feel or say. We invited award-winning author Patricia Raybon to this series to talk with us about how we talk with God.

Patricia reminds us of the simplicity of prayer. It is about spending time with God. This means we don’t have to always be talking, we can simply be. But when we have something to say, we don’t need to edit, we can bring our full thoughts and hearts into the ongoing conversation. Prayer takes time and Patricia reminds us that we can’t skip over relationships, we must invest time.

We find our prayer life is often reflected in our tangible life. We can love people well by being with them, making ourselves available, and putting aside our agendas. Honest, agenda-free prayer helps us love others better because it gives us the practice we need to be open to what unfolds. If you feel intimidated by prayer, stuck in your prayers, or wondering if praying is even real, push play and listen in to our conversation.

Connect with Patricia

On her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Listen to this episode

On iTunes or watch it here:

A few things mentioned

Patricia’s books I Told the Mountain to Move

All That Is Secret (An Annalee Spain mystery)

Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home by Richard Foster

Seven Sacred Pauses: Living Mindfully Throughout the Day by Macrina Wiederkehr

7 Ways to Pray: Time Tested Practices for Encountering God by Amy Boucher Pye

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