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Fall Reset: Setting Routines & Easy Recipes For Fall with Sarah Molitor

A chill is in the air and the seasonal shift is beginning. As we wave goodbye to summer and welcome fall, we are also looking to refresh our routines, home systems, and menus. Today begins our new series: Fall Reset.

Sarah Molitor, from @modernfarmhousefamily on Instagram, joins us to share her practical ideas on time management and home systems. As a homeschooling mom of six boys, we have a great deal to learn from this capable mama. She also lets us in on her secret to dinner time (it has to do with a sheet pan), and the fall traditions she treasures the most (you won’t expect this one).

You will be inspired to reboot your own life this fall as you listen to our inspiring conversation. Get a cozy pumpkin spice latte and settle in with us for this great episode!

Connect with Sarah on Instagram or through her website.

Sarah Molitor’s Children’s Book, I Grew With You

I Grew With You Children’s Book by Sarah Molitor

Atomic Habits

Boundaries with Kids

Jordan Paige – Kids are Capable

@modernfarmhousefamily Tried & True Recipes

Favorite Chicken

Boneless skinless chicken thighs
Buttermilk ranch seasoning
Garlic Salt

Marinate chicken thighs in Buttermilk seasoning, ranch, paprika, and garlic salt. Bake on a sheet pan. Cook with green beans and put over rice.

Italian Chicken

Canned tomatoes with herbs
Chicken breasts

Dump the tomatoes onto the sheet pan covered with foil. Sprinkle with salt. Put the chicken on top and bake until done. At the end of cooking, place mozzarella on top. Boil some noodles and drain. Put noodles on a plate, then place the tomato, chicken, mozzarella over the top.


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