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Raise Boys, Change The World Series: The Power of Intentionality with Jon Tyson

Do you have sons? Or do you care about the young men in your life – nephews, friends, grandsons, church members? Then this series is for you! Today we are kicking off “Raise Boys, Change the World.”

Jon Tyson, lead pastor of Church of the City in New York and popular author, joins us to talk about how to be intentional with our boys. Jon discovered that other cultures all around the world had similar rituals around raising boys in their tribes and villages. He then took those ideas and implemented them with his own son, cultivating intentionality and significance.

We cover some ground in this episode talking about toxic masculinity, male passivity, intentionality, pornography, sowing and reaping, character, and relationships. There is much wisdom here – don’t miss it! And be sure to pass this along to anyone who wants to help raise young men of courage and character.

Follow Jon Tyson on Instagram

Church of the City NYC

Jon Tyson’s Podcast – Church of the City NYC – Podcast

The Intentional Father: a practical guide to raising sons of character and courage by Jon Tyson


The Data Are Clear: The Boys Are Not Alright – The Washington Post


The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter

James Hollis

Many societies had this formula of six conscious steps for raising sons:

1. Separation of the environment of childhood (put in environment with older. men to be formed)
2. Death of childhood psychology
3. Process for formation – the story of their community, religion of their community, the skills needed to function in a healthy way
4. Sent out on “the ordeal” – masculine moment where they test and see. Focused on courage and skill aquisition.
5. Welcomed back by the community of men.
6. Integration back into society

Susanna Wesley

Great Quotes from the interview:

We don’t sow and reap in the same season.

Ask: What is a question that gives me access to their hearts?

Consistency vs. intensity is the key to parenting

The goal is to convert childhood authority to adult friendship

With older kids, keep asking about the 3 big questions of life:

character is destiny – who are you becoming with the freedom that you have?
vocation – what are you thinking about your future?
relationships – how are viewing sex and dating

Keep conversations running around these three topics:
What are you learning about God?
What are you learning about yourself?
What are you learning about life?

Humanize the struggle, but don’t minimize the impact.

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