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Raise Boys, Change the World: Let’s Talk About Gen Z with Tanita Maddox

We can’t talk about raising today’s boys without putting them in context in the generation in which they are being raised: Generation Z (kids ages 13-18).

Generation Z is coming of age during a global pandemic and during a time when school shootings are not uncommon. They are the first generation in the history of the world that can claim the title “digital natives.” These markers are shaping who they becoming and what questions they are asking.

Joining us today is Tanita Maddox, Assistant Regional Director for Young Life and Adolescent Culture Expert. Tanita studied Generation Z in her doctoral program and has been working with youth for over twenty years. She has an up close look into the lives of kids living in this generation and helps us understand how we can better meet them where they stand.

Whether you are a parent, a boss, a youth leader, a teacher, or a coach, this episode will be helpful as you seek to understand Generation Z and the precious teens that fill our homes, schools, churches, workplaces, and teams.

Some Things You Heard On The Show:

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Young Life

The top question kids are asking in this generation: Is it safe or am I safe? 

What they need to hear from us: they are courageous, they are strong, they are capable

Barna Research articles on Gen Z for further reading

Question to ask often to a Gen Z teen: On a scale of 1-10 how’s your mental health?


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