Life is full of both good and grief. Play and pain. Laughter and tears.
As part of our new podcast format, we will occasionally bring you an episode we call Fun & Fire. Where we talk about one light-hearted thing we are loving these days, which is bringing fun to our actual lives, and one thing that is keeping us up at night and maybe motivating us toward change or at least getting the fire going.
We are airing our first Fun & Fire episode this week where we are literally talking about fun (party tips) and fire (gunfire in schools.) We won’t always be so literal in these themes of fun and fire, but this round we are. Our Time to Rise brings with it intentionality and responsibility. This is meant to give you a little more insight into how we’re approaching our days, what is silly and sad in our everyday.These are what fuel the topics we select. We hope you enjoy our first ever Fun & Fire.
We’d love to hear what YOUR fun and fires are right now? What is keeping you up at night? What is making your day more enjoyable?
Give us your fun and fire.
On iTunes or watch it here:
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