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You Might Be In a Growing Season If….with Ashley Morgan Jackson

Sometimes the signs of a growing season are not exactly what we’re looking for.

When we think growth we don’t always think discomfort, but the term “growing pains” exists for a reason.

In this episode we talk through disappointment, feeling stuck, frustration, loneliness, and letting go.

Whew! That’s quite a list.

It’s also an opportunity to check your circumstances and ask if there is an opportunity for growth.

As we talk about rising up to meet life’s challenges, this episode names the what and the how of that process which in the end can result in personal growth.

And isn’t that what we want? To grow to be the best version of ourselves that God is calling forward when we meet these uncomfortable circumstances.

It is our time to rise.

Follow Ashley

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Listen to this episode

On iTunes or watch it here:

Things mentioned on this episode

Proverbs 31 Ministries

Ashley’s new book Tired of Trying: How to Hold On To God When You’re Frustrated, Fed Up, and Feeling Forgotten

Questions for reflection

  1. Are you feeling frustrated, forgotten, or lonely? What circumstances have led to those feelings? Where might there be a place for you to rise up and grow?
  2. Has God hurt your feelings recently? Write out a prayer that tells him with full honesty how you are feeling.
  3. Where is one area of your life where you are letting go? How does it offer new space for something new?

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