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Wilderness and Other Ways to Experience God with Faith Eury Cho

What is the “wilderness”? It’s when our understanding of God does not match our experience.

Let that sink in for a minute.

Faith Eury Cho talks about the raw honesty we can have with God and how that plants roots for friendship.

As we look ahead to the new year we want to be considering how to live a faithful life, how to rise to meet the moments in front of us, even when we’re not FEELING our faith. Gratitude. Curiosity. Thanksgiving. These are practices we can use to remember who God is, invite him into our daily minutia of life, and thank him for what he has already done and has yet to do.

If you’re wondering how to face the next few weeks or next year, we invite you to listen in to this conversation and tell us how you are cultivating a real friendship with the living God.

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Listen to this episode

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Mentioned on the show

Faith’s new book Experiencing Friendship with God: How the Wilderness Draws Us to His Presence

Questions for reflection

-How do you see God drawing near to you?

– In what ways can you be more honest with him as you end this year?

-How can you live in expectation that he will be with you, no matter what you’re facing, in 2024?

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